In 2005 when I made a simple New Year’s resolution to be more environmentally accountable little did I know that in 2012 it would result in lots of grey hair. I am sure many of them had been around long before 2012 but I couldn’t see them, or if I did, I quickly pulled them out or covered them up.
When I made the decision last year to stop colouring my hair I announced it on Facebook. Why is the fact that I decided to stop colouring my hair at 40 news worthy? Is it my ego driving me to explain to the world why my hair is grey? Was it my ego 8 years ago when I was sitting in a salon, just before I gave birth with my scalp burning, urging me to perservere so I looked good for my birth photos?
So why did I stop dying my hair? Was it because it wasn’t safe for me and my baby? Is it safe for you and your baby? Are the new organic dyes safe? I am sorry but I can’t tell you. There is so much conflicting information out there and so little research. In the end we only have our own wisdom.
My little voice had been gnawing at me for some time. Logically I knew it was my vanity driving me to dye my hair. I know that true beauty comes from within, that the people who truly love me don’t care what I look like. When I made my 2005 resolution I realised how tough being accountable is. I expect my government to be accountable for how it spends my taxes but being accountable myself is another matter. It is so easy to be seduced by the trappings of our society because ‘I'm worth it’. I knew that when I was choosing to spend $90 every eight weeks to have my hair cut and dyed that it was money I was choosing not to spend on feeding a starving child, or sponsoring an endangered animal, or working less so I could spend more time with my children.
So do I want you to join me in the grey hair club… yes I do.